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Abstruse Movie Details

⭐ 原標題 : Abstruse

⭐ 標題 : Abstruse

⭐ 類型 : 动作, 犯罪, 惊悚

⭐ 發布日期 : 2019-11-01

⭐ 持續時間 : 01:57:00 分鐘.

⭐ 語言 : 英語 (中英文字幕)

⭐ 影片格式 : AVI / mp4 / MOV / DvD / dvdrip

⭐ 質量 : 4K UHD | 1080P Full HD | 720P HD | 480P | DVD | Blu-ray |

⭐ 電影成本 : $..

⭐ 發行公司: : Painted Creek Productions, Lenfilm ,Boyana Film,Bulgaria Film

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欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 abstruse是什么意思_abstruse的-abstruse GRE GMAT 托福. abstruse. 英音: /əb'struːs/ 美音: /əb'strus/ 全球发音: 生词本: 添加笔记:. 有奖纠错. | 划词. 英汉-汉英词典. 词组搭配. 英语例句库. 英语百科

Abstruse - definition of abstruse by The Free Dictionary-hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: abstruse theories. 2. ; hidden. [1590-1600; < Latin abstrūsusliterally, concealed, past participle of abstrūdereto conceal from view =abs-abs- + trūdereto thrust, push] ab•struse′ly,adv. ab•struse′ness,n

abstruse怎么记,abstruse的词根词缀巧记速记方法-怎么记-词根记忆 / 词缀记忆. abstruse n 深奥的 (abs离开+trus+e=离开 [人的知识]理解不能推进=深奥的) trud ,trus=push,表示"推". extrude v 挤出,冲出 (ex出+trud+e=往外推=冲出) intrude v 硬挤进,侵入 (in进+trud+e=推进去=挤进) intyuder n 侵 …………. 登录后可查看该条全部内容

abstract(抽象修饰符)_百度百科-抽象方法. 作为 修饰符 ,abstract声明了一种没有具体对象的,出于组织概念的层次关系需要而存在的 抽象类 ;作为类方法修饰符,abstract则声明了一种仅有方法头,而没有具体操作实现的方法体的抽象方法。. 可见,abstract方法只有方法头的声明,而用一个分号

Abstruse Definition & Meaning |-Abstruse definition, hard to understand; recondite; esoteric: abstruse theories. See more

ABSTRUSE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary-abstruse meaning: 1. not known or understood by many people: 2. not known or understood by many people: . Learn more

ABSTRUSE | meaning, definition in Cambridge English Dictionary-abstruse definition: 1. not known or understood by many people: 2. not known or understood by many people: . Learn more

abstruse - Wiktionary-abstruse (comparative abstruser or more abstruse, superlative abstrusest or most abstruse) Difficult to comprehend or understand; obscure. [from mid 16th c.] Synonyms: abstrusive, arcane, cryptic, esoteric, recondite; see also Thesaurus: incomprehensible Antonyms: clear, obvious, understandable; see also Thesaurus: comprehensible

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ABSTRUSE在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译-abstruse的意思、解释及翻译:1. not known or understood by many people: 2. not known or understood by many people: 。了解更多。

abstruse中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典-abstruse. His theorising is neither abstruse nor detached from a firm base in the history of the modern world. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus. His work was abstruse and impenetrable, his demeanor reserved, and his resistance to using the bully pulpit to comment on current economic events unprecedented. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus

abstruse是什么意思_abstruse怎么读_abstruse翻译_用法-abstruse [ æb'stru:s ] lt to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge. "the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them". 同义词:deeprecondite

abstruse中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典-abstruse. However, ' learners ' acquire the correct distribution through an abstruse mathematical formula based on (arbitrarily assigned) word frequencies. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus. One of my considerations is, of course, to know if a listener can identify with this more abstruse type of musical expression. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus

Abstruse (2019) - IMDb-Abstruse: Directed by Harley Wallen. With Tom Sizemore, Dennis Haskins, Kris Reilly, Kaiti Wallen. Senator Stevens (Dennis Haskins) has trouble on his hands once Max London (Tom Sizemore) senses more to the murder of his daughter's friend committed by his son (Kris Reilly)

abstruse_百度百科-短语搭配. 编辑 播报. abstruse e 深奥的 ; 难懂的. abstruse respiration 玄息. abstruse theory 玄理 ; 玄作 ; 深奥的理论. abstruse program 难懂的程序. abstruse conception 玄胎. abstruse ability 技巧效力. abstruse accedemetn 技术协定书

Abstruse - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |-It might be hard to figure out how a toilet flushes but the technology that goes into making the Internet function is abstruse. The Latin roots of the word abstruse are about concealing or hiding something, which is a good way to remember the meaning of this word. It is useful when describing something that is overly confusing, or if someone is deliberately making a story or a situation more complicated than necessary

62 Synonyms & Antonyms of ABSTRUSE - Merriam-Webster-Synonyms for abstruse. arcane, deep, esoteric, hermetic. (also hermetical), profound, recondite

Abstruse Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster-Definition of abstruse. formal. : difficult to comprehend : recondite the abstruse calculations of mathematicians abstruse concepts/ideas/theories. Other Words from abstruse Synonyms & Antonyms Latin Ties Things Together With Abstruse More Example Sentences Learn More About abstruse

abstruse中文_abstruse是什么意思-adj. 难解的;深奥的。. adv. -ly ,-ness n. "abstruse and mysterious"中文翻译 深微奥妙. "abstruse cognition"中文翻译 玄览. "abstruse conception"中文翻译 玄胎. "abstruse period"中文翻译 玄际. "abstruse phenomena"中文翻译 玄关露象

abstruse - 英中 - Linguee词典-dispassionate, and o ften abstruse teac hing of the. [...] Subtle Doctor. 此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年,五,如亚历山大黑尔斯理查德米德尔顿,尤其是圣文德 埃克尔西亚(医生宣布由西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其神学

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